Indus App Store

Indus App Store

March 3, 2024
indus app store

Phonepe launched Indus App Store as an alternative to the Google Play Store. I wouldn’t call it a revolutionary product per se, as phone manufacturers already bundle their own app stores on their phones.

It is good news for developers though, as there is 0% commission on in-app subscriptions and low fees in comparison to the Google Play Store. As a consumer, to use Indus App Store since it is a “Make in India” product does not cut it for me. I avoid Samsung Galaxy Store, and God Forbid if I use Xiaomi GetApps out of despair; Similarly Indus lacks a compelling reason for anyone to go through the installing process.

In a competing market it is a better alternative albeit with a caveat. Indus App Store can be better than GetApps, Galaxy Store, or even Google Play Store if the company conducts thorough and rigorous security checks before allowing apps into their app store. Executing this task is easier said than done.

Assuming they do capture a significant market share from Google, it would be difficult for them to screen millions of apps. After all, a tech giant like Google itself suffers from this same problem1 Furthermore, being a for-profit, their focus shifts more towards generating revenue than security of the platform anyways.

Another primary challenge for Indus is convince users to install their app. If it fails, I am assuming they would bundle it as a pre-installed app, which I would consider bloatware.

Indus may be the alternative you are looking for if you want to steer clear from Google, however if I had to install something on my own, I would install F-droid as it is free and open-source, that is developed and maintained by a transparent community.